Q: When is my order shipped for delivery, and when will it arrive?
Orders are shipped twice a week, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please allow 10 business days to receive your order.
Q: What are the return/exchange policies?
- Customers must submit a completed "Return/Exchange Request" form to support@lizzeyfit.com within 7 days of receipt
- Shipping fees for returns/exchanges are at the expense of the customer
- Refund issued only after the product is received and thoroughly inspected
Q: What material are the products made out of?
The material differs for each product. It is often found in the description of the product.
Q: What size should I order?
Our garments are true to size and designed with you in mind!
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Leave any feedback with us! Email support@lizzeyfit.com. Happy shopping!